
All posts tagged fitness

Sometimes I think I am way over my head.

Published September 20, 2013 by LauraSimas

That said yesterday was great…. any day I have 2 Body Jam classes with very good company and great instructors is a great day. I really really really loved it even though the second class was a weird choreography that it’s not what I’m used to… it was more Hip-Hop than House and I am not good at it at all…. to make things worse my brain turned to jello I couldn’t tell my right from my left when I finished. The latin track made me think of the Zumba classes that I did back home and that I miss already.

Today was a whole different situation…It was Body Pump day. I hate needing to lower my loads when I come back from vacation… I tried to push through and don’t lower them much but I couldn’t because my shoulder and neck are giving me a hard time again. I am actually feeling them more now then I did before I went home and it’s making me sad because I rested and I should be ok. The good thing that came from today was I made a resolution to take care of this once and for all even if it takes a while…. everything comes for a reason and I think this came to me again to teach me patience.

Today someone told me I don’t need to stop completely because of the shoulder thing I just need to be careful. My problem is I am afraid to ask stuff I think I should know already, I always try to be quiet and push through and this is true for more than the gym. It’s just something I need to work on.

This post is more to me than to anyone else…. with this blog I found out that writing about things does wonders for me. Trying to make sense is a good exercise to clear a cluttered mind.

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